The web is fundamentally designed to work for all people regardless of hardware, software, language, location, or ability. When the web meets this goal, we reach an understanding of the diversity of disability in technology.


When developing or redesigning a website, evaluate accessibility early and throughout the development process to identify accessibility problems early, when it is easier to address them. Simple steps, such as changing settings in a browser, can help you evaluate some aspects of accessibility. Comprehensive evaluation to determine if a website meets all accessibility guidelines takes more effort.

There are evaluation tools that help with conducting site audits. However, no tool alone can determine if a site meets accessibility guidelines. Knowledgeable human evaluation is required to determine if a site is accessible. UCSB's primary accessibility tool, SiteImprove, is a great choice to include during development as well as determining the overall health of your site as it grows.  Below are additional pages in our Accessibility section to help get site owners on the right track to following this key web standard.

Accessibility Is for Everyone!

A new systemwide webinar for Global Accessibility Awareness day on May 18, 2023. 

"The power of the Web is in its universality.
Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect."

—Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director and inventor of the World Wide Web

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Accessibility is essential for developers and organizations that want to create high-quality websites and web tools, and not exclude people from using their products and services.