Tips to Master Microcopy for Web Designers

Written content makes up the vast majority of all websites because it’s the easiest content to produce and consume. The style of writing is a big factor in a website’s usability, but it often gets overlooked with design aesthetics taking priority.
When just starting out, and diving into web copy, you’re bound to make simple mistakes in the writing process. With this post, I’m hoping to help you iron out these mistakes by outlining the basics of copy and microcopy, explaining what they are and how they function on the Web.
As you practice writing you’ll find new methods for generating interest from readers. But also keep a keen eye while browsing other sites to study their methods for writing attractive page copy.
How Copy Defines Your Site
Written content is at the heart of most websites. Content is often a primary reason why people visit a site, or it’s at least used to guide people around a site.
Blogs drive readers to consume content. But written content may also cover different features for a new web application. Content is a vehicle used as a means to an end. With blogs, the content actually is the end goal of delivering quality content that’s valuable to readers.
But the way you design copy can have a big impact on consumption and user experience.
For example, take a look at the home page for Wake. The layout uses big bold letters to tell you what this app does (a collaboration app for designers). But scroll down and you’ll find a section with tooltip callouts explaining the interface features.